Many of us remember George Zatco, who passed ten years ago – in 2005.
Here's why we still remember his Dad – BY NAME.

This is about remembering George's Dad.

The picture & blurb above have been on our Lest We Forget page since George passed (August of '05).
The "Click Here" link above delivers the picture of George & Shirley McKinney below.

Shirley drove from Little Rock to Biloxi to see George in person, to meet with him and hear about his father.
In doing this – so soon after George "discovered" us, and our penchant for honoring fathers –
she was likely to be the ONLY other WWII orphan that Goerge had (knowingly) ever met.

George SAW that his Dad was remembered on the Memorial Day '05 Epinal banner above –
the FIRST year for Epinal. But his greatest worry when he knew he didn't have much time
was – what would happen to the remembering of his Dad (by name) after he left us?
When he knew there would be no dues & donations forthcoming.

In a moment of clarity (or maybe it was stupidity – I don't know which)
I told George I'd see to it . . . for as long as I have life.

Lil Holloway – our first coordinator for Epinal – agreed that George's father should be remembered,
dues or no dues, donations or no donations. As she knew George would have done this for us!
So Lil saw to it for five more years – six, altogether – until Dave Colinan came aboard –
and he saw to it for three more years – until Cal Boardman's last two. Thank you, Cal!

So together we've remembered SGT George Joseph Zatco for his son . . . for eleven years so far,
and it is my personal intention not to QUIT! And hardly on a momentary whim of inconvenience!

This costs the sons and daughters of Epinal – literally nothing!

The Zatco example prompted me to realize – prompted several of us to realize . . . that there couldn't BE
a better, more heartfelt gift among us . . . than to remember not just our friends in AWON . . . as we do
when they pass . . . but to remember their fathers (just as they did) . . . for as long as we all can.

Since Coordinators do have this discretion, several of us have been attentive to others
who have passed . . . who have paid their dues . . . and whose fathers still deserve to be remembered.

It's just not hard to do . . . and all we need to do is stay alert.
There is NO cost in either time or money – to keep these special few names aboard!

As Coordinators, we can DO this! Just alert me . . . and we'll "see to it" together!

Please also Note . . . that 44% of our current AWON Board Members . . .
and the SAME percentage of AWON First Founders . . . might like to know that we
(the proud Stateside Coordinators of AWON) . . . have their back.

If in fact we do.

I'd like to think that by virtue of our interest in the Coordinator positions we hold . . .
(we DO have this interest . . . right?) that we're interested in remembering not just our
OWN fathers BY NAME – but the fathers of other AWONers, too . . . when that time comes.

Something they would surely do for us.

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